Kidneys occupy the size of your fists in your body. These tiny organs work without any break to filter blood and remove the waste. Do you know, in a single day your kidneys can pump more than 400 gallons of recycled blood through the body? If these small kidneys become disabled or injured, there are chances that your body can be flooded with waste. Partha Banerjee Dubai says that millions of people die each year from kidney complexities. But worry not, with some simple lifestyle changes you can decrease the risk of getting kidney diseases. Here are 5 lifestyle modifications suggested by Partha Banerjee Mumbai , to keep your kidneys healthy. 1. Hydrate appropriately. Everyone says to drink plenty of water. But do you know how it helps your kidneys? It encourages the kidneys to clear sodium, urea, and poisons from the body and helps you in bypassing painful kidney stones. Maintain the aim of drinking 8-10 ounce glasses of water per day. 2. Eat fresh foods and maint...
Partha Banerjee Dubai has been associated with the Critical Care segment since 1996. Partha Banerjee Dubai launched the immunosuppressant drugs from Novartis and managed patient care modules for Aventis, Eli Lilly, Novartis and Pfizer.