It is the time to bid farewell to winters and
cherish the beauty of autumn. The change in weather and environment brings
tremendous alterations. A slight oversight of health can result in adverse
troubles and cause danger to well-being. These days loads of deadly viruses are
striking. The main targets are people with a weak immune system. In this
context, Partha Banerjee says, it is good to take precautions and be
Further he affirmatively states that these harmful
viruses are causing respiratory problems, anxiety, depression, anger, etc.
issues. Keeping the immune system on track is a critical matter these days.
Let's take a quick view over the checklist prepared by Partha Banerjee Mumbai.
1. Take
adequate sleep, regulate stress and keep yourself relaxed. If you overload
yourself with stress, don't take rest and proper 7-8 hours sleep then it
straightforwardly affects the immunity. Relaxing activities like meditation,
music, painting, etc. are the natural stress relievers. Be smart and don't skip
your beauty sleep.
2. Eat
plenty of good food. Eating healthy and right food provides sufficient
nutrients to your body which are demanded by the immune functions. So start
munching over the seasonal fruits and vegetables, dry fruits, seeds, and herbs.
3. Mr.
ParthaBanerjee Dubai says that tobacco and alcohol are the biggest enemies of
human health. It increases the risk of Cancer, TB, Bronchitis, and Pneumonia,
weakens the immunity and costs the kidneys.
4. Probiotics
are good for the immune system. They have the capacity to reduce respiratory
and gastro infections. It is good for the stomach and keeps the digestive tract
in order.
5. Hygiene
cannot be left just like that. If you have pets at home then cleanliness is an
important concern. Make sure you always wash your hands before preparing the
food, having meals, after sneezing, coughing, while traveling use sanitizers.
These small habits can reduce big risks and saves the body from germs.
6. Garlic
is a natural antimicrobial agent it has the superpowers to boost the immunity
and fight back the diseases. Consuming it raw brings plenty of health benefits
as it lowers the cholesterol and regulates the blood pressure.
7. Staying
active with physical exercises is a wise decision. On an average go for a
thirty-minute walk regularly. Indulge in running, cycling, swimming, yoga, etc.
activities. In the end, keeping your body moderately active is a blessing for
the immune system.
Even the healthiest of people can fall sick due to
unhealthy eating habits, irregular sleep hours, stress, etc. These factors play
a significant role in making us healthy and fight against harmful bacteria,
chemicals, and viruses. The above mentioned natural ways support in fighting
the diseases and preserve the immunity. At times, things get worse so just
don't stick to these remedies make sure you consult the physician. Partha Banerjee says that self-treatment is not always
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