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Showing posts from August, 2019

[Partha Banerjee Dubai] Take Care of Your Kidneys When You Have Diabetes

Kidneys are the most vital organ in your body. It is responsible for waste management which is essential for maintaining the chemical balance and blood pressure in your body. You can endanger your health by neglecting its early signs. Risking health problems could cause other body organs to shut down altogether. Partha BanerjeeDubai says that most common kidney linked diseases are hypertension, UTI, and kidney stones. What is the role of diabetes in kidney health? It is the leading cause of kidney disease as per the National Institute of Health. High blood pressure and diabetes go hand in hand to go along with diabetes. It affects the kidneys to work harder, it makes them work more. Generally, kidney disease with diabetes has no specific known sign. It deteriorates the health slowly with these set of symptoms- ·                Loss in appetite, ·                Fatigue, ·                High BP, ·                Nausea and vomiting, ·                Swelled feet, ankl

[Partha Banerjee Dubai] Is It Safe To Consume Alcohol For Your Kidney's Health?

In Indian Society, alcohol is not seen as a favorable drink in comparison to western countries. Alcohol, in general, has no medically proven positive effect on the body, if taken in moderation. But it does affect the working of kidneys because as soon as it is ingested, urine is passed out within a few minutes. This leads to a decrease in fluids retained by the Kidneys disturbing the fluid balance. It has been researched that moderate consumption of alcohol does not affect kidneys and their functioning. Partha Banerjee Mumbai says, having it regularly causes damage to health in many ways. It may lead to change in the shape and form of the kidneys as well as electrolytes gets imbalanced too. Extreme use may lead to high blood pressure. This, in turn, results in stretching and weakening of blood vessels. The waste that is filtered in the kidney is done by these blood vessels and their deformed structure does not help in this process. Instead, in case of high pressure, the uri

Do You Know What Is Bad For Kidneys?

Kidneys are important organs of the body which works 24/7 to filter the blood. We are born with a pair of kidneys on either side of the spine above the waist. Their other functions include maintaining a balance between water and minerals. An enzyme called renin is produced by the kidneys to regulate blood pressure. Other than that, chemical erythropoietin is released for building blood cells.  Partha Banerjee Mumbai  being a renal care expert quotes certain conditions and factors which affect the functioning of the kidneys. Here, we are discussing them in brief.  •     Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are said to affect the kidneys in the first place. This condition damages the nerves and makes urine come back up rather than flowing down.  •     Family history of kidney diseases: Polycystic Kidney Diseases are common amongst the people who had a family history of kidney failure or dialysis. The cysts formed in this case blocks the kidney tissues inhibiting their wo