The bean-shaped organs found in the human body are approximately the size of your fist. These are known as kidneys, they perform plenty of functions to keep you healthy. Some of the main functions are- Removing the toxins and excess waste from the blood Controlling the blood pressure Producing RBC’s and keeping the bones strong Regulating sodium and potassium levels Healthcare expert Partha Banerjee Mumbai recommends that kidneys good health are crucial for the entire body structure. We should find ways to keep them healthful and in good condition. Because kidney diseases are commonly said to be silent killers. Here, we bring you five easy to follow tips to lessen the uncertainty of developing chronic kidney disease. 1. Regulate blood sugar levels - The common disease of diabetes affects kidneys to a great extent. If you are a diabetic then have regular tests to check the numbers and kidney functions. You can take help fr...
Partha Banerjee Dubai has been associated with the Critical Care segment since 1996. Partha Banerjee Dubai launched the immunosuppressant drugs from Novartis and managed patient care modules for Aventis, Eli Lilly, Novartis and Pfizer.